Master in Critical Creative Practices

Libera Università di Bolzano
Master in Critical Creative Practices
Audio descrizione del Master

This innovative programme fuses art, design and technology to address today's challenges. In this interdisciplinary programme, creativity meets new media and sustainability, empowering students to lead transformative change at the intersection of culture, technology and climate justice.The programme is designed to train highly skilled professionals capable of working in interdisciplinary and pioneering contexts. Students are provided with advanced and up-to-date skills in the fields of design and art, with particular attention to the intersection of these fields with the latest technological developments and a deep understanding of the cultural aspects involved.

Edizioni del master

Contenuto del Master

Il Master in breve

The Master in Critical Creative Practices offers an up-front approach to contemporary challenges where art, design and technology converge to address and communicate powerful messages on global issues ranging from the climate crisis and energy transition to geopolitics and the inclusion of social minorities. The programme will enable designers and artists to develop interdisciplinary projects that combine rigorous artistic and design practice with advanced technological and theoretical applications. 

Through three thematic studios - Natures-Cultures, Critical Environments and Techno-Human Expressions - students will explore new dimensions of artistic and design creation using traditional media as well as emerging technologies. The method of teaching integrates creative practice with a solid theoretical foundation, stimulating critical discourse and innovative solutions. 

Finalità del Master

Career opportunities

The programme is designed to train highly skilled professionals capable of working in interdisciplinary and pioneering contexts. Students are provided with advanced and up-to-date skills in the fields of design and art, with particular attention to the intersection of these fields with the latest technological developments and a deep understanding of the cultural aspects involved.  

Graduates of the programme will be well-prepared to pursue careers in diverse and interdisciplinary fields, leveraging their advanced skills in design, art, and creative technologies. They will be equipped to work in areas such as multimedia and visual arts, art and design curatorship, and art direction, as well as in the management of cultural and creative projects.  

Additionally, their expertise in innovation and sustainability will enable them to contribute to forward-thinking initiatives that shape the future of creative industries. With a strong foundation in both traditional and emerging media, graduates will be able to navigate and thrive in dynamic professional environments, addressing contemporary and future challenges in the cultural and technological landscape. 

La didattica del Master

Study course structure

The course is structured over four semesters and combines practical and theoretical learning. Each of the three complementary macro areas is covered in a dedicated semester: 

  • Nature and Ecocriticism: Focuses on theoretical and methodological approaches to contemporary environmental challenges through innovative artistic and design practices. Disciplines include ecocriticism, ecofeminism and urban ecology. 
  • Spatial Practices and Innovation in the Context of the Inhabited Environment: Explores the socio-political dynamics of spatial practices in art and design, addressing challenges such as urbanisation, migration and digitalisation through theory and practice. 
  • Technology and Theory of Artistic Form: Integrates advanced technologies (e.g. AR, AI, 3D printing) into artistic and design processes, encouraging experimental and interdisciplinary projects.

The workshops at our faculty are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that students have access to the tools and resources they need to bring their design and artistic visions to life. Here you will find all the traditional and modern tools you need to turn your projects into reality. Skilled professionals manage our workshops and will help you by sharing their experience with you.

Exchange programmes and internships

Currently we offer exchange programmes with partner universities all over the world and we are part of a large network of collaboration with employers in Italy and abroad where you can undertake your internship. However, this study programme does not require a compulsory internship.


  • Aula internazionale
  • Docenti internazionali
  • Lezioni in lingua straniera 50%
  • Tirocinio formativo all’estero
  • Tirocinio formativo presso aziende internazionali

Ammissione al Master

Il costo per frequentare il Master

Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 1200 Esente IVA.

Borse di Studio

L’Ufficio per il Diritto allo Studio universitario della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano è l’ufficio competente per posti alloggio negli studentati e borse di studio. Per informazioni puoi rivolgerti all’Ufficio provinciale o ai collaboratori dell'Associazione studenti universitari sudtirolesi.

1 recensioni
  • Contenuti 5.0
  • Metodologia didattica 5.0
  • Strutture e servizi 5.0
  • Costo del master 5.0
  • Sviluppo di competenze 5.0
  • Opportunità lavorative 5.0

Si ringrazia:
QS World (Rank)
QS European (Rank)
QS Southern Europe (Rank)
Reputazione Accademica
Reputazione degli Allievi
Reputazione degli Insegnanti
Citazioni della Faculty
Faculty Internazionale
Studenti Internazionali
Network Internazionale di Ricerca
Risultati Occupazionali

Provenienza allievi Worldwide:


Docenti stranieri:


Professione Corpo Docente:

Docenti universitari
Ricercatori/lettori/visiting professor
* I dati potrebbero essere relativi alla Scuola e non al Master

Il Master in Critical Creative Practices in sintesi:

Esplora il Futuro Creativo e Sostenibile con il Master in Critical Creative Practices

La Libera Università di Bolzano apre le porte a una formazione all'avanguardia con il suo Master in Critical Creative Practices. Scopri come arte, design e tecnologia si fondono per affrontare le sfide contemporanee a favore della giustizia climatica e dell'innovazione sostenibile.

Il Tuo Percorso nel Master in Critical Creative Practices

  • Studio Interdisciplinare: Un'immersione unica in studi che intrecciano design, arte e nuove tecnologie per ispirare cambiamenti trasformativi.
  • Tre Laboratori Tematici: Approfitta dei laboratori Natures-Cultures, Critical Environments e Techno-Human Expressions per esplorare nuove dimensioni creative.
  • Struttura del Corso: Impara attraverso quattro semestri di studio che combinano apprendimento pratico e teorico, preparandoti a diventare un professionista capace di navigare in contesti interdisciplinari.

Le Possibilità di Carriera

Con il Master in Critical Creative Practices, ti apri a carriere diverse e interdisciplinari, dalla multimedialità e le arti visive alla gestione di progetti culturali e creativi. La tua expertise in innovazione e sostenibilità ti posizionerà al centro delle iniziative future delle industrie creative.

Didattica e Internazionalizzazione

Il master offre una didattica ricca e variegata, con un'aula internazionale e lezioni in lingua straniera. Non perdere l’opportunità di partecipare a programmi di scambio e tirocini in Italia e all'estero, preparandoti ad una carriera globale.

Modalità di Ammissione e Opportunità Finanziarie

Scopri le modalità di ammissione al Master con un costo di €1200 esente IVA e informazioni sulle borse di studio a disposizione, grazie all'Ufficio per il Diritto allo Studio universitario della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano.

Dettagli del Master

Sede del Master: Bolzano. Iscrizioni aperte fino al 09/lug/2025, con inizio previsto per il 29/set/2025. Un'opportunità unica per dare forma al tuo futuro nel mondo delle pratiche creative critiche.
