Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
This full-time master programme trains engineers able to design intelligent embedded systems and cognitive robotic systems for sports and health applications.
Students will benefit from an interdisciplinary education, including courses in computer engineering, biotechnology and biomedical sciences, electrical engineering, and automation and robotics, to address key societal challenges in sports and health.
This programme is grounded in South Tyrol while maintaining a strong international outlook. This is guaranteed by being taught entirely in English with teaching staff as well as students coming from Italy, Europe and the entire world.
Finalità del Master
Our graduates will be able to design, implement and validate embedded systems and cognitive robotic systems for sport and health, mastering technologies across hardware and software layers. They will integrate sensors and actuators with embedded artificial intelligence, address security and privacy, and interact with users based on human factors principles to enhance physical and mental health as well as performance.
The programme provides students with the tools for a career as an engineer or consultant in companies that provide products and services for health, rehabilitation, fitness and sport, or as a researcher in public and private research institutions working in the field of information technology for sport and health.
La didattica del Master
In the first part of the programme (45 ECTS credits), teaching activities are offered that provide targeted knowledge in the fields of computer engineering, bioengineering and biomedical sciences. The aim of these activities is to homogenise knowledge and to familiarise students with the modern and advanced methods required for the specialisation activities.
The second part (52 ECTS credits) is dedicated to deepening students’ knowledge in embedded systems and cognitive robotic systems, and to attending elective courses of up to 12 ECTS credits. Teaching activities in this second phase focus on experimental laboratory activities and experiential learning embedded in the respective courses to develop the students‘analytical and design skills. Through these activities, students will also encounter companies active in the field. Special attention is also paid to the development of soft skills such as teamwork and communication skills.
The third and final part (20 ECTS credits) is dedicated to researching for and writing the master thesis. Students have the option of writing their master thesis in house at unibz or in cooperation with local or international companies.
- Aula internazionale
- Docenti internazionali
- Lezioni in lingua straniera 50%
- Tirocinio formativo all’estero
- Tirocinio formativo presso aziende internazionali
Ammissione al Master
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 1200 Esente IVA.
Borse di Studio
L’Ufficio per il Diritto allo Studio universitario della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano è l’ufficio competente per posti alloggio negli studentati e borse di studio. Per informazioni puoi rivolgerti all’Ufficio provinciale o ai collaboratori dell'Associazione studenti universitari sudtirolesi.