Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
This study programme can open a variety of exciting and well-paid career paths. Graduates will have
acquired the skills needed to work as professional business analysts, data scientists, managers or consultants in organizations that operate in a data-driven society.
Additionally, they will acquire the background necessary for enrolling in PhD programs in fields closely connected to quantitative economics, business analytics and data science. Skilled data analysts are some of the most sought-after professionals in the world now. Because of the strong demand and very limited supply of graduates, data analysts often receive high salaries and excellent job prospects, even at the entry-level.
Data analyst jobs are available in a wide range of private industries and public organisations, since any company using data also requires staff with a high level of analytic competency.
La didattica del Master
The programme is divided into two tracks: Data Analytics for Economics and Business Analytics.
Both tracks share a strong methodological core in computer science, statistics, mathematics, and econometrics. The specific goals of the tracks are:
- Provide a strong foundation in theoretical and applied statistics and in machine learning, which are essential tools for developing effective models and methods for data analysis and prediction.
- Develop computer science skills that are crucial for building algorithms and programming tools suitable for the implementation and application of data analysis methods.
- Develop a profile that combines solid quantitative skills with domain knowledge in economics and business to support management in making data-driven strategic decisions.
- Develop problem-solving skills, teamwork skills, the ability to convey results effectively, and an understanding of ethical and legislative issues related to the use of big data.
- Aula internazionale
- Docenti internazionali
- Lezioni in lingua straniera 50%
- Tirocinio formativo all’estero
- Tirocinio formativo presso aziende internazionali
Ammissione al Master
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 1350 Esente IVA.
Borse di Studio
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