This programme is designed for students interested in developing state-of-the-art skills in computing, econometrics, statistics and mathematics and using them to solve a wide range of data analysis problems arising in economics and management. Students will learn a variety of cutting-edge techniques enabling them to extract meaningful information from large data sets and effectively communicate the results of their analysis, thus influencing various key processes and strategic decisions in the organisations in which they will work.
This study programme can open a variety of exciting and well-paid career paths. Graduates will have
acquired the skills needed to work as professional business analysts, data scientists, managers or consultants in organizations that operate in a data-driven society.
Additionally, they will acquire the background necessary for enrolling in PhD programs in fields closely connected to quantitative economics, business analytics and data science. Skilled data analysts are some of the most sought-after professionals in the world now. Because of the strong demand and very limited supply of graduates, data analysts often receive high salaries and excellent job prospects, even at the entry-level.
Data analyst jobs are available in a wide range of private industries and public organisations, since any company using data also requires staff with a high level of analytic competency.
The programme is divided into two tracks: Data Analytics for Economics and Business Analytics.
Both tracks share a strong methodological core in computer science, statistics, mathematics, and econometrics. The specific goals of the tracks are:
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Se desideri essere al passo con le ultime innovazioni del settore economico e manageriale, il Master in Data Analytics for Economics and Management presso la Libera Università di Bolzano ti offre tutte le competenze necessarie. Impara a gestire e analizzare grandi quantità di dati per influenzare decisioni strategiche cruciali all'interno delle organizzazioni.
Il programma del master è diviso in due tracciati: Data Analytics for Economics e Business Analytics. Entrambi condividono un solido nucleo metodologico in discipline quali informatica, statistica, matematica, ed econometria, essenziali per lo sviluppo di modelli e metodi efficaci per l'analisi e la previsione dei dati.
Frequentare il Master in Data Analytics for Economics and Management rappresenta un'investimento nel tuo futuro professionale. Con una spesa di €1350, esente IVA, preparati a lanciare la tua carriera in contesti internazionali, facendo leva sulle competenze più richieste nel settore dell'analisi dati.
Sede del Master: Bolzano. Scadenza iscrizioni: 07/mag/2024. Inizio del Master: 30/set/2024. Non perdere l'opportunità di iscriverti a questo programma d'avanguardia nel campo della Data Analytics.