Attività di Placement del Master
An internship is a period of time in which you can gain work experience in yourfield of study as part of your Master program.The goals of an internship are:‣ To become familiar with your possible future job, increasing your practical experience;‣ To apply the knowledge and/or skills learned and acquired during the Master MIBS.Our tutoring service helps students in contacting and selecting the internship partners. The basic services provided are:‣ Identification of companies for internships‣ CV writing‣ University thematic CareerDay‣ Forward CV to companies‣ International opportunities‣ Monitoring of companies during the internship period
Servizi di Placement presenti
- Job posting
- Sondaggio occupazionale ex-allievi
- Inoltro cv alle imprese
- Monitoraggio feedback aziende
- Opportunità internazionali
- Presentazioni aziendali
- Careerday
- Careerday tematico (finanza, RU, etc.)
- Stesura CV
- Individuazione aziende per stage
- Seminari di orientamento
- In-company training
- Preparazione al colloquio
- Affiancamento nei contatti con le aziende
- Monitoraggio qualità del tirocinio