Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
Objectives of the Major in Global Supply Chain Management- Major of The Master in Digital and Business Transformation at Luiss Business School
The evolution of traditional business models followed by the diffusion of digital technologies require firms to reengineer traditional business units like operations, logistics, and procurement. Supply chain managers are requested to manage global supply chains that integrate all stakeholders in unique networks, use evolved and intelligent systems to face worldwide competition, and incorporate new business trends such as sustainability, digital transformation, and omnichannel marketing.
Students of the Major in Global Supply Chain Management acquire managerial skills and strategic competences to implement, manage, and perform global supply chains and identify the most effective technological solutions.
Participants learn to:
- identify strategic partners and establish strong interdependencies among supply chain members
- form strategic supply chains through long term negotiations and agreements
- adopt the best technological solutionswithin a supply chain to integrate suppliers at the global level, designing ad hoc collaborative programmes and synchronising traditional business strategies in a supply chain perspective
- evaluate the environmental impactof supply chains and integrate environmental targets and restrictions in a supply chain strategy
- reshape supply chain strategies through digital technologies and integrate Artificial Intelligence systems to optimise the decision-making process throughout the supply chain
Finalità del Master
Career prospects
The programme puts students on career paths in a wide range of organisations in the industry, in positions such as:
- Supply Chain Manager
- Production Manager
- Logistics Manager
- Procurement Manager
- Supply Chain Strategist
- Supply Chain Analyst
- Technology Consultant for Supply Chain Applications
- Digital Supply Chain Consultant
- Supply Chain Consultant
La didattica del Master
General management
General management courses aim to give all students the necessary business management foundations in order to better understand new concepts that are introduced during the core and advanced courses. The general management courses provide students with an overview that is highly useful upon entering the job market.
- Accounting & Financial Management
- Organisation & HR Management
- Economics of Strategy
- Econometrics and Statistics
Core courses
The core courses introduce students to industry-focused concepts that are specific to this major. These courses provide students with the key principles and skills they need to better understand their chosen sector.
- Global Supply Chain Management
- Operations Management for Global Supply Chain Strategies
- Design Thinking in Supply Chains
- Supply Chain Strategies in the Digital Era
- Information Systems for Supply Chain Management
- Digital Applications in Global Supply Chain Management
- Blockchain Applications in Supply Chains
Advanced courses
The advanced courses provide students with an in-depth perspective on specific aspects of international business, adopting a more practical approach.
- Circular Economy and Supply Chain Management
- Economics of Transportation Systems
- E-Supply Chains
- Business Analytics
- Certified Supply Chain Professionals
- Law and Supply Chain
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
Candidarsi al Master
Le selezioni si possono effettuare sia in presenza che a distanza, a seconda delle esigenze del candidato.
Le selezioni si compone di un test logico, un test di inglese e di un colloquio motivazionale
Criteri di valutazione delle candidature
- Valutazione del cv
- Test e/o colloquio di lingua
- Test di logica e/o psico-attitudinali
- Colloquio individuale motivazionale
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 18000 Incl. IVA.
Borse di Studio
sono previste borse di studio e agevolazioni finanziarie