Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
The Master in UxP-User Experience Psychology is the result of a partnership between the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Politecnico di Milano.
The Specializing Master is designed for ambitious graduates and professionals who wish to pursue or further develop in a career in the UX, which is one of the most demanded careers in the emerging “experience economy”. The ideal candidate has a strong commitment to understand how to create digital experiences that match users’ needs as well as a strong motivation to engage with a genuine interdisciplinary environment mixing design and psychology.
The Master in UxP welcomes candidates with a Degree or Specialist/Master’s Degree preferentially in social and human sciences, design, engineering, architecture and economics, but students with other backgrounds may be eligible as well. Work experience is considered a plus.
Finalità del Master
The Master in User Experience Psychology will help you to develop the knowledge and skills required to become a User Experience Specialist, one of the most demanded careers in the digital era.
Career paths
The course is intended for students with different backgrounds, who share the interest and passion towards delivering excellent user experiences.
Job titles include:
- User Experience Designer
- UX Researcher
- Interaction Designer
- UX specialist
- Product designer
- Usability analyst
La didattica del Master
User experience research: principles, methods and techniques for understanding and modelling users’ needs
- UX basics
- Principles of user experience design
- Methods and tools of user research: planning and execution of interviews, ethnographic research, shadowing techniques, creating a personas, storyboard and customer journey map
User experience practices: theoretical and practical design skills
- Principles of humancentered design, usability heuristics, interaction design basics
- Design tools: Agile methodologies (user story, use case, sitemapping, user flow, wireframing, prototyping, handoff)
User experience evaluation
- Qualitative and quantitative assessment methods
- Planning and executing a research protocol
- Design evaluation: techniques and tools (usability testing, A/B test, remote monitoring)
The course is designed to be done by students with part-time jobs and other life commitments.
The program takes place 3 days a week, minimum mandatory attendance is 75%.
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
- Laurea primo livello
- Titolo equivalente
- Laureandi
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 10000 Esente IVA.
Borse di Studio
Scopri tutte le agevolazioni e le borse di studio : richiedi maggiori informazioni, verrai contatta da un tutor.
Facilities del Master
- Tutoraggio
- Accesso wifi
- Mensa/Buoni Pasto
- Attività sportive
- Attività culturali