Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
The Master in Digital and Business Transformation – Major in M&A Strategy aims to introduce participants to all stages of the process of acquiring a startup. From the analysis of innovation supply and demand, to the metrics used in the selection and evaluation phase of the startup, to the construction of business planning and business modeling, to the negotiation and closing phase, to the fundamental post-merger integration and governance phases.
The Programme is aimed at undergraduates and graduates who want to develop the skills needed to lead M&A processes in disruptive companies, combining knowledge of changing M&A activities with technology-based business strategies, managerial expertise and leadership skills.
The major focuses in particular on the skills, competences and technologies most in demand by Corporate Venture Capital (CVC), Venture Capital (VC) firms, management consultancies, law firms, investment banking firms and innovative start-ups.
Finalità del Master
The Major in M&A Strategy is aimed at recent graduates — or those graduating soon — interested in developing competencies in the industry.
Career prospects
The programme puts students on career paths in a wide range of organisations in the industry, in positions such as:
- M&A analyst in Corporate and Venture Capital
- M&A consultant in strategic and financial advisory firms
- Financial analyst
- Investment analyst
- Lending manager
- Entrepreneur or member of the management team of start-ups in technology-intensive companies
- M&A legal in law firms.
La didattica del Master
The Major in M&A Strategy is a one-year Master of Science equivalent to “Master Universitario di I livello” in accordance with the Italian university system. It provides students with at least 65 ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. At the end of the Programme, the Master’s Diploma “Master Universitario di I livello” will be conferred to participants who have passed exams or others assessment tests envisaged in the study program.
The curriculum of the Major in M&A Strategy is designed to ensure and support the progressive professional and personal growth of students who benefit from a productive learning experience: lessons, case studies, group work sessions, and a high-level faculty comprised of both academics and professionals.
Ammissione al Master
Candidarsi al Master
Le selezioni si possono effettuare sia in presenza che a distanza, a seconda delle esigenze del candidato.
Le selezioni si compone di un test logico, un test di inglese e di un colloquio motivazionale
Criteri di valutazione delle candidature
- Valutazione del cv
- Test e/o colloquio di lingua
- Test di logica e/o psico-attitudinali
- Colloquio individuale motivazionale
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 18000 Incl. IVA.
Borse di Studio
sono previste borse di studio e agevolazioni finanziarie