Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
Luxury Management is one of the majors of the Luiss Business School Master’s Degree Programme in International Management and is a unique learning experience aimed at young graduates motivated to become managers in the luxury industry.
We have selected the best lecturers from several luxury segments to provide participants with a fruitful learning experience. Lecturers train students with a practical and efficient approach involving group projects, case studies, and role-playing, enabling each participant to gain great practice and build the skill set required for luxury management challenges.
Moreover, students will receive at first a general managerial education before beginning the core and advanced courses in which top managers will train the class to develop the business skills required to operate in the luxury industry.
Finalità del Master
The Major in Luxury Management is aimed at recent graduates — or those graduating soon — interested in developing competencies required in the luxury industry.
Career prospects
The programme enables graduates to undertake career paths in a wide range of organisations in the luxury industry, in positions including:
- Luxury Advisor
- Luxury Products and Brand Image Promoter
- Retail or Wholesale Manager
- Operations and Supply Chain Support
- Press Agent
- Luxury Communication Manager
La didattica del Master
Throughout the Programme, students will learn to:
- understand the operating mechanisms in the various luxury segments and the luxury industry as a whole
- comprehend corporate and business strategies
- discover the modern key figures operating in the luxury industry and develop competencies and skills to access those jobs
- manage the product portfolio and analyse distributional channels
- become proficient with communication and image tools and techniques
The Major in Luxury Management is held in Rome, at the Luiss Business School Villa Blanc Campus.
The Master in International Management – Major in Luxury Management is a one-year Master of Science equivalent to “Master Universitario di I livello” in accordance with the Italian university system. It provides students with at least 65 ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. At the end of the Programme, the Master’s Diploma “Master Universitario di I livello” will be conferred to participants who have passed exams or others assessment tests envisaged in the study program.
- Aula internazionale
- Docenti internazionali
- Lezioni in lingua straniera 100%
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
- Laurea primo livello
- Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento
- Laureandi
Candidarsi al Master
Le selezioni si possono effettuare sia in presenza che a distanza, a seconda delle esigenze del candidato.
Le selezioni si compone di un test logico, un test di inglese e di un colloquio motivazionale
Criteri di valutazione delle candidature
- Valutazione del cv
- Test e/o colloquio di lingua
- Test di logica e/o psico-attitudinali
- Colloquio individuale motivazionale
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 18000 Incl. IVA.
Borse di Studio
sono previste borse di studio e agevolazioni finanziarie