Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
The course aims at training professionals who are able to work confidently in areas of food sciences, such as technology, engineering, microbiology, chemistry and sustainability.
After the first year, you can choose among five different profiles:
- Applied Engineering and Genetics;
- Food Quality and Management;
- Nutrition Sciences;
- Food Chemistry;
- Food Packaging.
The latter two learning tracks are offered in partnership, respectively, with the University College Cork, Ireland, and the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Students will have the opportunity to spend up to two semesters in one of these European partner institutions.
Finalità del Master
Graduates of the programme are placed in companies in the food industry, and specialise in research and development; food processing; product design and development; management and control of food processing; food automation technology; the development of methods to guarantee food authenticity; quality control; and the development of innovative processes to enhance the nutritional value of foods and the sustainability of the food chain.
The course provides students with the tools to pursue a career as a consultant or to work in managerial roles, mainly in the food industries, and in companies that link the food supply chain, from manufacturing to storage and distribution, including large-scale retailers, and public and private centres dedicated to planning, managing and improving processes. Our graduates design and innovate all food processes and products to guarantee and enhance the sensory, nutritional and sustainable quality of the food chain.
La didattica del Master
The first year mainly includes modules on Food Technology and Food Microbiology, which are common to all learning tracks. From the second year onwards, modules become specific to the profile chosen. You will be able to choose from five profiles and a range of modules in order to customize your course.
The programme is supported by industries belonging to AssoImprenditori Alto Adige - sezione Alimentari - and Südtiroler Bauernbund - Unione Agricoltori e Coltivatori Diretti Sudtirolesi. This partnership will allow students to write their research thesis with joint tutorship from both the university and the food industry.
- Aula internazionale
- Docenti internazionali
- Lezioni in lingua straniera 50%
- Tirocinio formativo all’estero
- Tirocinio formativo presso aziende internazionali
Ammissione al Master
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 1350 Esente IVA.
Borse di Studio
L’Ufficio per il Diritto allo Studio universitario della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano è l’ufficio competente per posti alloggio negli studentati e borse di studio. Per informazioni puoi rivolgerti all’Ufficio provinciale o ai collaboratori dell'Associazione studenti universitari sudtirolesi.