Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
Fashion Management is one of the majors of the Luiss Business School Master’s Degree Programme in International Management and it is a unique learning experience aimed at young graduates motivated to become fashion managers.
The fashion industry is a fascinating world, characterised by complex mechanisms. In continuous transformation, fashion is dynamic, demanding and requires concrete skills. The next generation of managers of the fashion industry will have to possess a broad range of notions and information, be creative and, also, have strong leadership skills.
Students will receive at first a general managerial education before beginning the core and the advanced courses in which top managers will support the class to develop the business skills required to operate in fashion contexts.
Students will learn through interactive lectures, live case discussions, field projects and group work, thus acquiring the tools and techniques necessary to build the skill set required for fashion management challenges.
What you will learn:
- Understand the operating mechanisms in fashion firms and in the fashion industry;
- Comprehend corporate and business strategies;
- Study how to manage the product portfolio;
- Learn how to analyse retail channels;
- Become proficient with communication and image tools and techniques;
- Discover the modern key roles operating in the fashion industry.
- assessment tests envisaged in the study program.
The Master in International Management – Major in Fashion Management is a one-year Master of Science equivalent to “Master Universitario di I livello” in accordance with the Italian university system. It provides students with at least 65 ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. At the end of the Programme, the Master’s Diploma “Master Universitario di I livello” will be conferred to participants who have passed exams or others assessment tests envisaged in the study program.
Finalità del Master
The Fashion industry is an important sector of the international economy. Market data show the growing potential of employability.
After the course, you will be able to:
- Plan and organize fashion events
- Work within communication and image
- Define a digital marketing plan
- Promote product and brand image
- Operate in visual merchandising
- Support operations and supply chain
La didattica del Master
The Master of Fashion Management is a one year first level Master Degree (65 ECTS). The curriculum is formed by 1500 hours (4 days per week, from 9am to 6pm), divided into core courses, individual study, laboratories, and final project work. The teaching methods are designed to support students’ professional growth, balancing managerial and creative subjects. To achieve these aims, the faculty is composed of professionals who play a crucial role in the management of fashion firms both in Italy and abroad. At the end of lectures, students will have the opportunity to start immediately practicing on future professional projects, by completing a stimulating work with the class team, in collaboration with a leading firm in the fashion industry.
The curriculum is composed by core courses, specialised courses (one for each segment of the fashion industry) and laboratories.
- Aula internazionale
- Docenti internazionali
- Lezioni in lingua straniera 100%
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
- Laurea primo livello
- Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento
- Laureandi
Candidarsi al Master
Le selezioni si possono effettuare sia in presenza che a distanza, a seconda delle esigenze del candidato.
Le selezioni si compone di un test logico, un test di inglese e di un colloquio motivazionale
Criteri di valutazione delle candidature
- Valutazione del cv
- Test e/o colloquio di lingua
- Test di logica e/o psico-attitudinali
- Colloquio individuale motivazionale
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo corso ha un costo di € 18000 Incl. IVA.
Borse di Studio
sono previste borse di studio e agevolazioni finanziarie