Contenuto della Laurea Magistrale
La Laurea Magistrale in breve
This Master in Energy Engineering is the result of the increasing spreading of technologies connected with the spread generation and the optimized management of energy and the consequent increasing demand of engineers able to develop and propose efficient and innovative technological solutions to deal with the issues deriving from the progressive depletion of fossil non-renewable sources and the environmental impacts due to the use of energy. The course contents focuses on the issues of energy efficiency in buildings and in productive cycles, the energy production from middle-small sized plants of renewable sources, which have a reduced environmental impact and serve customers in the surrounding areas.
Finalità della Laurea Magistrale
Employment prospects
The course aims at training experts able to deal with the various aspects of planning, implementing and managing the integrated energy systems, such as production plants supplied from renewable sources, low energy consumption buildings and networks able to transport electric and thermic energy from the production site to the local consumption sites.
Energy engineers work as independent professionals or in public and private companies, industries of the energetic and thermo-energetic sectors and public and private utilities. Graduates might be admitted to PhD programmes in the field.
La didattica della Laurea Magistrale
Structure of the course
The professional profile of this master is thought to meet the needs of design skills to be applied to small to medium size energy production plants, in particular to applications of renewable sources combined heat and power in district heating, and to energy efficient industrial systems and buildings. Energy conversion, energy distribution and energy utilisation systems are the main areas of interest.
The environmental sustainability of the energy utilisation and the reduced exploitation of natural resources will be the common basis for the different disciplines involved: electrical engineering, technical physics and building physics, fluid machines, industrial engineering.
Students must obtain at least 120 CP, of which at least 42 CP obtained at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and at least 33 CP obtained at the University of Trento. In addition to the mandatory subjects, a range of optional courses will be offered
- Aula internazionale
- Docenti internazionali
- Lezioni in lingua straniera 50%
- Tirocinio formativo all’estero
- Tirocinio formativo presso aziende internazionali
Ammissione alla Laurea Magistrale
Il costo per frequentare la Laurea Magistrale
Frequentare questo corso ha un costo di € 1350 Esente IVA.
Borse di Studio
L’Ufficio per il Diritto allo Studio universitario della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano è l’ufficio competente per posti alloggio negli studentati e borse di studio. Per informazioni puoi rivolgerti all’Ufficio provinciale o ai collaboratori dell'Associazione studenti universitari sudtirolesi.