Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
The Master in International Cooperation and Development's program from Cattolica Univesity aims at converting theoretical knowledge into practical wisdom, and to give students a specific set of professional skills to successfully face the job market. This is possible thanks to these distinctive characteristics:
- the limited number of admitted students guarantees an efficient interaction with instructors and colleagues in the class;
- active participation in class includes simulations, case analysis, team assignments;
- experts and executives take an active part in the program sharing their professional experiences with the students;
- the internship is a chance to directly test skills acquired during courses.
La didattica del Master
The master is organized along four complementary levels, fostering multidimensional training and integrating scientific methodologies and operative competences.
1st level - Scientific Training
It Pprovides students of different academic backgrounds with a multidisciplinary education on various dimensions of development processes aimed at acquiring the relevant economic, political, historical, legal, institutional and managerial competences, with a special focus on fighting against poverty and fostering social inclusion.
2nd level - Professional Training
Theoretical and practical exploration of development and emergency cooperation, including actors and strategies of intervention, emergency relief, natural resource management, conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction, and project cycle management. Special attention will be devoted to transversal issues such as food security, environmental sustainability, community-based development initiatives. The development of personal skills is also stressed, aimed at an efficient career management.
3rd Level - PROJECT WORK
Students are required to develop a personal research project on a topic related to development cooperation, in close contact with a Master professor and/or a professional from a partner institution. The project work will often be connected to the internship experience, thus combining analytical skills and practical experience.
4th Level – INTERNSHIP
The Master's program is completed with an internship in Italy or abroad within an institution whose mission and activities are consistent with the Master's program. This gives the student the invaluable opportunity to test and strengthen the competencies acquired during the Master's program and it usually lasts at least three months. Students will receive support and tutoring for their internship research, specifically concerning CV and cover letter preparation, vacancies research and internship announcements indication.
- Aula internazionale
- Docenti internazionali
- Lezioni in lingua straniera 100%
- Tirocinio formativo all’estero
- Tirocinio formativo presso aziende internazionali
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
Criteri di valutazione delle candidature
- Valutazione del cv
- Lettera di motivazioni
- Test e/o colloquio di lingua
- Colloquio individuale motivazionale
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 9000 Esente IVA.
Borse di Studio
Scopri tutte le agevolazioni e le borse di studio : richiedi maggiori informazioni, verrai contatta da un tutor.
Facilities del Master
- Tutoraggio
- Accesso wifi
- Mensa/Buoni Pasto
- Attività sportive
- Attività culturali