Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
The Master in Business Transformation Major in Digital and Business Transformation from Luiss Business School aims to prepare professional capable of:
- adapting corporate strategies through the implementation of integratedservices and products
- adding value in companies, contributing to the development of innovative ideas
- building T-shaped capabilities, providing the business foundation to leverage digital expertise and become industry leaders
- creating and protecting a company’s web reputation, adopting new digital communication channels
- extract, interpreting and protecting information coming from complex data analysis
- reinventing the customer experience, exploiting new digital channels and techniques useful for the whole organisation
- reengineering operational processes, gaining a wide understanding of the potential changes in firm practices to adapt to new digital technologies
- understanding the protection methods expected by cyber law.
- Career prospects
The programme puts students on career paths in a wide range of organisations in the industry, in positions such as:
- Digital Communication Manager
- Digital Insights Analyst
- Digital Officer
- Digital Strategist
- Customer Relationship Manager
- CX and UX Consultant
- IT Consultant
- Strategic Consultant
Finalità del Master
The Master provides students with 60 ECTS credits.
It prepares professionals to:
- Adapt corporate strategy through the implementation of integrated services and products.
- Add value in companies, contributing to the development of innovative ideas to exploit digital tools and implement new business models.
- Build T-shaped capabilities, providing the business foundation to leverage digital expertise and become industry leaders.
- Create and protect a company’s web reputation, adopting new digital communication channels.
- Extract, clean, interpret, communicate and protect information coming from complex data analysis.
- Reinvent the customer experience, exploiting new digital channels and techniques useful for the overall organization, from marketing to sales to distribution.
- Reengineer operational processes, gaining a wide understanding of the potential changes in firm practices to adapt to new digital technologies.
- Understand the threats of cyber risk and the protection methodologies expected by cyber law.
La didattica del Master
This Master provides students with essential digital skills and a comprehensive understanding of how technology and innovation methods can transform companies of various sectors.
Companies are constantly looking for “biz-tech” transformers to help them adapt to the changing times and revolutionize their business. You can help drive that revolution. Companies are looking for talented young professionals that can easily bridge the gap between the business world and digital technology. This Master prepares tech students for the business world and business students for the digital age.
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
Candidarsi al Master
Le selezioni si possono effettuare sia in presenza che a distanza, a seconda delle esigenze del candidato.
Le selezioni si compone di un test logico, un test di inglese e di un colloquio motivazionale
Criteri di valutazione delle candidature
- Valutazione del cv
- Test e/o colloquio di lingua
- Test di logica e/o psico-attitudinali
- Colloquio individuale motivazionale
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 18000 Incl. IVA.
Borse di Studio
sono previste borse di studio e agevolazioni finanziarie