Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
Il MSc Programme in “Biotechnologies and Applied Artificial Intelligence for Health” has been designed in frame of an interdisciplinary and international project. The aim of the Course is to provide Students with a solid knowledge and competences in the understanding of complex biological processes as well as in the application of artificial intelligence and bioengineering systems in the field of health biotechnologies.
Finalità del Master
Graduates in Biotechnologies and Applied AI for Health will be prepared for both academic and industrial research, particularly in biotechnology and bioinformatics industries. They will be able to understand and elaborate complex biological phenomena, to design innovative experimental models and instruments (such as biosensors, biochip), to analyze, process, store and extract big data by means of machine learning approaches. Other professional prospects include the dissemination of scientific knowledge, institutional communication (for instance, within European political institutions), or a role in the developing field of AI in Health (for instance, in private or public consulting agencies).
La didattica del Master
The learning course is organized in a common and shared part and in two separated tracks (curricula). The two curricula (Biology and Engineering) are held in the first year and are composed of teaching units aimed to integrate and complete the knowledges of the different 1st level graduates who can access the Course. All the Students will reconvene in the common learning track, held across part of the first and the full second year of the Course, characterized by interdisciplinary teaching units focused on the application of artificial intelligence in health biotechnologies.
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
Gli studenti che intendono accedere al Master Degree in "Biotechnologies and Applied Artificial Intelligence for Health" devono essere in possesso di un Diploma di laurea di primo livello nelle classi di Lauree Triennali in Scienze Biologiche (L-13), Biotecnologie (L-2), Ingegneria (L-8, L-9), Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche (L-31) o di altro titolo conseguito all'estero, riconosciuto idoneo sulla base della normativa vigente.