Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
Nowadays, professionals who want to make innovations in frontier scientific and technological fields (such as system biology, neuroscience, computation, network engineering, web economy, financial markets modelling and innovative materials) need to master the most advanced concepts and methodologies to deal with complex systems.
Finalità del Master
You will become a professional with expertise in modelling and simulation of complex systems. You will use analytical and computational tools and work with other specialists in order to develop models of complex system and solve problems in different disciplines: physics, information engineering, biophysics, bioinformatics, medicine and socio-economic disciplines.
La didattica del Master
You will take part in face-to-face lectures, classroom practicals, experimental and computational activities in the laboratories organized in groups of students. The programme is organized in two parallel tracks that have the same goals and structure, but different features: INTERNATIONAL TRACK and NATIONAL TRACK.
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
Uncapped number of students, evaluation of the admission requirements.