Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
This one-year program fully shares the vision promoted by UNESCO that identifies heritage and creativity as the basis for thriving and innovative knowledge-based societies.
Finalità del Master
The Master aims at training professional profiles such as cultural managers and entrepreneurs who, equipped with managerial and technical skills and competences, are promoters both of conservation and cultural, social and economic development within local systems.
La didattica del Master
The Program is worth a total of 60 credits (CFU - Crediti Formativi Universitari), for a total amount of 1.500 hours, divided as follows: 400 hours of on-campus lectures and distance learning, 1100 hours of Individual Study and Final test.
Certificazioni e Crediti del Master
first level Specializing Master's Diploma in "World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development" from the University of Turin and Politecnico di Torino
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
Designed for graduates of all disciplines, the Programme focuses on developing economically sound projects designed around a wide spectrum of cultural activities in the fields of natural and cultural heritage, cultural and creative industries, and tourism. The minimum admission requirement is an Undergraduate degree - First cycle degree - Bachelor level degree.
Candidarsi al Master
Applications opening: July 10th 2023 from 9.30 CET. Applications deadline: October 31st 2023 until 15.00 CET. The application is NOT binding, but it is necessary to be admitted to the selection.
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 5000 .