Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
The Erasmus Mundus Master Programme "Euroculture" is an interdisciplinary, international Master activated at the University of Udine. The programme develops around the core topic "European Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context", providing graduates with advanced education for professions and activities where knowledge of European culture and EU institutions is particularly important. Graduates are competitive in an increasingly international employment market.
Finalità del Master
The course provides students with the means necessary to analyze social phenomena on a European scale, to understand how European institutions and organizations work, and to reflect on historical and cultural factors which play a key role in the process of European integration.
La didattica del Master
The teaching programme is divided into different semesters focusing on core concepts of European society, politics and culture. It includes activities such as research seminars, methodology and theory seminars, internships, and thesis preparation and defense.
Certificazioni e Crediti del Master
Successful students of the Euroculture programme will receive a joint Master of Arts degree in Euroculture from both European universities they will study in during the 2-year programme.
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
Enrolment in the Master programme at the University of Udine requires one of the following degrees: Italian Undergraduate degree, Italian Graduate degree, or a foreign degree of equivalent standing. Euroculture candidates will be selected based on common selection criteria shared with all partner universities.
Candidarsi al Master
Applications for admission to the Master programme are to be presented by means of an online application tool available at For EU/EEA passport holders and non-EU/EEA passport holders, online application details will be available soon.