Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
Aesthetic (cosmetic) medicine has of late become an important reality in medicine and in society at large. The culture of medicine of wellness, pervasive in industrialized Western society, is not free of risks for consumers with inadequate or superficial information that often leads to \
Finalità del Master
A unique characteristic of the Master, developed to meet the needs of working physicians, is its e-learning format for the theoretical part of the program. The face-to-face and practical parts of the formation will be conducted in a series of intensive internships coordinated in collaboration with the International Radio Medicine Centre in Rome.
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
The Master is open to applicants who are employed, unemployed, or have never been employed, and who have a degree in Medicine and Surgery or Dentistry, earned in at least five year program, a license for medical practice and membership in the appropriate professional registers or, for foreigners, equivalent organization
Candidarsi al Master
The application form, addressed to the Rector of the University of Camerino, must be drawn up online, within the terms provided above. At the site information and news are available for registration and any changes not provided for in this announcement.