The goal of the course is to provide the participants with the scientific and technical knowledge that needs to be addressed for the successful storage of CO2 into geological formations. The programme will cover all aspects of the geological storage of CO2 so that the students can both understand the work of all specialists who will be involved in CCS projects (such as reservoir engineers/geologists, sedimentologists, stratigraphers, geophysicists, structural geologists, geochemical modellers, regulators, etc.) and further develop their own field of specialization. The course is aimed at individuals interested in 2 developing a solid professionalism in the field of geological storage of CO2. In fact, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a rapidly advancing field with many interdisciplinary scientific and technical challenges that are being addressed globally. This course is provided within the EU project ENOS (Enabling Onshore CO2 Storage in Europe) to prepare a new generation of young people who want to work on these topics. This training course will present an overview of the state-of-the-art of CCS operations and research; it will focus on the technical and scientific considerations for CO2 injection and safety monitoring, the exploration of critical processes in laboratory studies, and numerical modelling
Aspiri a diventare un professionista nel campo dello stoccaggio geologico della CO2? Il nostro master internazionale offre una formazione completa, coprendo tutti gli aspetti del CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage). Avrai l'opportunità di sviluppare le tue specializzazioni e lavorare su progetti all'avanguardia nel settore.
Preparati con noi per affrontare le sfide interdisciplinari avanzate del CCS, contribuendo attivamente alla ricerca e operazioni nello stoccaggio del CO2 a livello europeo. Diventa parte della soluzione per un futuro sostenibile.