Master in Middle Eastern Studies – MIMES

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Master in Middle Eastern Studies – MIMES
Audio descrizione del Master

The Master in Middle Eastern Studies (MIMES), created thanks to the expertise of ASERI – The Graduate School of Economics and International Relations from Cattolica University – offers a program aimed at analyzing the complexity of the Middle Eastern region and its role in the international scenario. The Master is tailored for graduates of various disciplines and backgrounds, who are interested in obtaining a better knowledge of the Middle East region, taking into account its social-historical complexity and cultural plurality. The program aims to offer solid historical, political and institutional perspectives of the current domestic, regional and international dynamics affecting the stability of the region, as well as a critical outlook on current debates over the Middle East. Its distinguished international Faculty is composed by renowned professors from the Middle East, Europe and the U.S., who have generally a long experience as field-researchers or in situ professionals

Ufficio Master
Edizioni del master

Contenuto del Master

Il Master in breve

The Master in Middle Eastern Studies (MIMES)from Cattolica University is a 1-year program, entirely taught in English. Thanks to the expertise of its faculty, this innovative program combines several perspectives on the Middle East: international relations, history, economics, law, geopolitics, security and energy. The analysis of the current dynamics, debates and most important topics regarding the role of the Middle East at a regional and international level, as well as dedicated modules on its sub-regions and their peculiarities, are strengthened by the theoretical basis provided during the first part of the program. Thanks to this multidisciplinary approach, the program offers a solid knowledge of the contemporary issues, in order to provide students with a specific understanding of one of the most important regions in the international scenario and help them to convert their knowledge in professional skills.

The Master in Middle Eastern Studies offers high quality training to students from all over the world. They will take part in team projects with the guidance of important scholars and leading professionals from the Middle East as well as from Europe and the U.S..

MIMES provides graduate students with a detailed, comprehensive knowledge of the wider Middle East, beneficial to undertake a number of different careers, consistently with their previous training and experience, within international institutions, private companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research centers and area studies, media networks, etc.

Finalità del Master

MIMES aims to guide students across this diverse and fascinating region, which, since decades, is at the core of the geostrategic interest of the international system. The program mainly focuses on the contemporary period, through an interdisciplinary approach ranging over international relations, geopolitics, conflicts and security, economy and energy. Nonetheless, specific sections are devoted to the analysis of the historical and religious foundations of the modern Middle East, from the birth of Islam to the evolution of Islamic thought, law and economy. A dedicated course will offer a linguistic analysis of the political and juridical terminology and a glossary in Arabic. MIMES analyses in details infra-regions and inter-regions peculiarities and relations, from Maghreb to Central-Southern Asia, encouraging a comparative and holistic area studies approach.

This multidisciplinary structure aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of the Middle East and to help them convert their knowledge in professional skills.

The Master’s program is designed for:

-              Young graduates throughout the world with a strong interest in the Wider Middle East and willing to specialize their competences.

-              Professionals who aspire to deepen their knowledge on Middle East socio-cultural peculiarities and its political-economic dynamics.

The maximum number of admitted students is limited to 25, to ensure the high quality of learning and interaction.

La didattica del Master

The Master in Middle Eastern Studies is articulated in five complementary levels, fostering multidimensional training and cross-fertilization, integrating scientific methodologies and operative competences. The program is completed with an internship in Italy or abroad within an institution whose mission and activities are consistent with the Master’s program. This gives students the invaluable opportunity to test and strengthen the competencies acquired during the Master.

1. Propaedeutic Phase: history, power and institution: the conceptual foundation of the Middle East: The first level provides students of different academic backgrounds with, the rise of Islam and its characteristic, the historical evolution of the region and its role within the international system. A dedicated course will offer a linguistic analysis of the political and juridical terminology and a glossary in Arabic.

2. In-depth Analytical Phase: sub-regional contexts: students, during the second level, acquire a detailed knowledge of different sub-regions of the wider Middle East, focusing on their peculiarities and connections with regional and international geopolitical trends

3. Thematic and Contemporary Issues: during the final class term, the program offers a wide portfolio of specializing courses on the most relevant political, geoeconomic and security events and dynamics contributing to the current Middle Eastern unbalances. Courses include topics as the role of the region within the larger international system, the global security issues, the heritage of the Arab Springs, the geopolitics of resources, and the ethno-religious diversity and pluralism in the Middle East.

4. Project Work. Students are required to develop a personal research project on a topic related to Middle Eastern affairs, under the supervision of a MIMES professor.

5. Internship (or Arabic/Persian/Turkish Language Course)


  • Aula internazionale
  • Docenti internazionali
  • Lezioni in lingua straniera 100%
  • Tirocinio formativo all’estero
  • Tirocinio formativo presso aziende internazionali

Ammissione al Master

Requisiti di Ammissione

  • Laurea primo livello

Candidarsi al Master

Criteri di valutazione delle candidature

  • Valutazione del cv
  • Lettera di motivazioni
  • Test e/o colloquio di lingua
  • Colloquio individuale motivazionale

Il costo per frequentare il Master

Frequentare questo master ha un costo di € 7500 Esente IVA.

Borse di Studio

Scopri tutte le agevolazioni e le borse di studio : richiedi maggiori informazioni, verrai contatta da un tutor.

Facilities del Master

  • Tutoraggio
  • Accesso wifi
  • Mensa/Buoni Pasto
  • Attività sportive
  • Attività culturali

Il Placement del Master in Middle Eastern Studies – MIMES

Attività di Placement del Master

The Master in Middle Eastern Studies offers high quality training to students from all over the world. They will take part in team projects with the guidance of important scholars and leading professionals from the Middle East as well as from Europe and the U.S..MIMES provides graduate students with a detailed, comprehensive knowledge of the wider Middle East, beneficial to undertake a number of different careers, consistently with their previous training and experience, within international institutions, private companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research centers and area studies, media networks, etc.

Servizi di Placement presenti

  • Sondaggio occupazionale ex-allievi
  • Inoltro cv alle imprese
  • Opportunità internazionali
  • Presentazioni aziendali
  • Stesura CV
  • Individuazione aziende per stage
  • Seminari di orientamento
  • Preparazione al colloquio
  • Affiancamento nei contatti con le aziende
  • Monitoraggio qualità del tirocinio

Attivita legate alla Community Alumni:

  • Associazione ex-allievi
  • Presenza su social network
  • Ex-allievi nel corpo docente
  • Incontri con ex-allievi
  • Tavole rotonde
  • Reunion
  • Sondaggi
  • Accesso a servizi bibliografici
  • Magazine
  • Newsletter
  • Pagina personale ex-allievi
  • Convenzioni per corsi executive

Si ringrazia:
QS World (Rank)
QS European (Rank)
QS Southern Europe (Rank)
Reputazione Accademica
Reputazione degli Allievi
Reputazione degli Insegnanti
Citazioni della Faculty
Faculty Internazionale
Studenti Internazionali
Network Internazionale di Ricerca
Risultati Occupazionali

1 recensioni
  • Contenuti 5.0
  • Metodologia didattica 5.0
  • Strutture e servizi 5.0
  • Costo del master 5.0
  • Sviluppo di competenze 5.0
  • Opportunità lavorative 5.0

Provenienza allievi Worldwide:


Provenienza Italia:




Esperienza Professionale:


Età dei partecipanti:

< 25
26 - 30
31 - 35

Docenti Totali:


Docenti stranieri:


Professione Corpo Docente:

Docenti universitari
Ricercatori/lettori/visiting professor
Politici, funzionari PA, lobbisti
* I dati potrebbero essere relativi alla Scuola e non al Master

Offerta formativa di Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Il Master in Middle Eastern Studies – MIMES in sintesi:

Scopri il Master in Middle Eastern Studies (MIMES) dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Il MIMES, concepito dall'esperienza dell'ASERI – La Scuola di Economia e Relazioni Internazionali dell'Università Cattolica, è un programma innovativo progettato per analizzare la complessità della regione del Medio Oriente e il suo ruolo nello scenario internazionale. Con un corpo docente internazionale di primo livello, MIMES offre una formazione multidisciplinare che spazia dalle relazioni internazionali alla storia, fino all'economia, geopolitica, sicurezza ed energia.

Obiettivi del Programma

Il Master mira a fornire una solida conoscenza storica, politica e culturale sul Medio Oriente contemporaneo, promuovendo una comprensione critica sui dibattiti attuali riguardanti la regione. Gli studenti acquisiranno competenze professionali attraverso progetti di gruppo guidati da eminenti studiosi e professionisti del settore, preparandoli a carriere diverse nelle istituzioni internazionali, aziende private, ONG, centri di ricerca e nei media.

Struttura Didattica

  • Fase Propedeutica: fondamenti storici, politici ed economici del Medio Oriente.
  • Fase Analitica Approfondita: studio delle sub-regioni del Medio Oriente e delle loro dinamiche geopolitiche.
  • Temi Contemporanei: corsi specializzanti sui principali eventi politico-economici e di sicurezza.
  • Project Work: sviluppo di un progetto di ricerca personale sotto la guida di un professore MIMES.
  • Stage: opportunità di tirocinio in Italia o all'estero, altro valore aggiunto del Master.

Elementi di Internazionalizzazione

Il Master si distingue per la sua aula internazionale, docenti di fama mondiale, lezioni in inglese al 100%, e opportunità di tirocinio formativo all'estero presso enti e aziende internazionali, accentuando l'interconnessione globale del programma.


Il Master è rivolto a giovani laureati e professionisti con un forte interesse per il Medio Oriente, con un numero massimo di 25 studenti per garantire un apprendimento di alta qualità. Il costo del Master è di 7500€, con disponibilità di borse di studio per facilitare l'accesso a candidati meritevoli.

Il Placement del MIMES

Il MIMES assicura un'alta qualità formativa, preparando gli studenti a diversificate opportunità professionali nel mondo delle istituzioni internazionali, aziende private, ONG, media e centri di ricerca, sottolineando il forte impegno del Master nel favorire una successiva occupabilità di successo.
