Contenuto del Master
Il Master in breve
The International Master in European Studies-IMES-'s Belgian Italian Chamber of Commerce is designed to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the European Union institutional structure, functioning and policies, and with a sound understanding of the EU funding methods and Project Cycle Management tools and techniques. To this end, a thorough academic section is combined with hands-on practical work on European projects and tenders and with testimonials from policy advisors, project managers and EU officials. At the end of the Master, participants will be able to draft, coordinate and manage European projects and tenders according to the guidelines set by the European Commission and they will have the opportunity to be introduced to several professionals from this sector.
The IMES awards a Diploma in European Studies – Policy Advisor and Project Consultant, issued by the Institute of European Studies of the Catholic University of Louvain and the European Desk of the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce.
Diplomas will be awarded to students that successfully pass the evaluation process, consisting of two exams and three project works. Only students who attend at least 80% of classes will be admitted to the final exam and to the Diploma award.
Students will also receive a Transcript Certificate with the transcript of exams and the final grade obtained.
This is an International post-graduate Master. It is an intensive, full-time programme; the title awarded is “Post-graduate Master in European Studies – Policy Advisor and Project Consultant”. This Master aims to provide students with professional tools required by the job market; the objective is not to provide a “title”, but practical competencies. The Master does not give university credits. Therefore, even if organised by a University-consortium, the framework of an extra-university Master has been chosen.
Finalità del Master
This Master provides students with a sound knowledge about European institutions and policies, EU funding programmes, and tools for European project and tender drafting and management. Students will also test and improve their communicative and interpersonal skills, which are key competencies for a Policy advisor and Project consultant, thanks to the work done in teams for European projects and tenders.
- The Policy Advisor, Lobbyist and Advocacy Officer
- The EU Project Manager and Project Consultant, Programme Officer
- Procurement Officer, Business developer
La didattica del Master
The IMES – Day Programme is designed for those who wish to gain, in a short period of time, specialised competencies and skills in order to become EU Policy Advisor or EU Project Manager. This is a 3-month full-time programme, held in our training center in Brussels from Monday to Friday. Classes are held in English.
The IMES – Evening & Weekend Programme is designed for professionals based in Belgium who wish to gain, in a short period of time, specialized skills and tools in order to become an EU Project Consultant and Project Manager. Two editions are held per year: one during spring (starting already in April) and another one in autumn (usually beginning in September).
This intensive programme takes place three times a week: on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18.00 to 21.00, and on Saturdays from 9.30-12:30 and 13:30-16.30. It’s foreseen that the students will work in teams to draft a European call for proposal and a procurement (they will spend time on it in class but also it’s expected to work outside classes). This is an English taught programme and it is held complitely online.
Certificazioni e Crediti del Master
Students that successfully pass the evaluation process will receive the Master Diploma, co-issued by the European Desk of the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of European Studies of the University of Louvain. Students will also receive a Certificate with the transcript of exams and the final grade obtained.
- Docenti internazionali
- Lezioni in lingua straniera 100%
- Tirocinio formativo all’estero
- Frequenza del master presso sedi estere
Ammissione al Master
Requisiti di Ammissione
Max allievi ammessi al Master
Il numero massimo di allievi ammessi al Master è di 30
Candidarsi al Master
Assessment criteria:
- motivation (33%);
- university degree (16%);
- degree mark (10%);
- working experience (8%);
- internships (8%);
- post-graduate courses (7%);
- fluency in english (8%);
- other languages (6%);
- Erasmus and other international experiences (4%).
Criteri di valutazione delle candidature
- Valutazione del cv
- Lettera di motivazioni
- Test e/o colloquio di lingua
Il costo per frequentare il Master
Frequentare questo corso ha un costo di € 3200 Esente IVA.
Borse di Studio
Sono previste 0 Borse di Studio a copertura totale
borse di studio di euro 1000, possono essere assegnate in base alla valutazione della candidatura dello studente (secondo i criteri di valutazione) e al reddito del candidato. Una riduzione di €100 sarà applicata a tutte le iscrizioni effettuate entro il 31 Gennaio 2025
Facilities del Master
- Tutoraggio
- Accesso wifi
- Accessibilità disabili
- Attività culturali